ST Decking
12mm & 6mm thickness options
Genuine straight-grained Teak in sheet form, with the non-skid rubber applied. Sheets ready to use.
Available in a variety of sizes and thicknesses to suit your deck options.
Saves time: No more cutting & machining of Teak.
Saves worry: Takes the guess work out of your teak plank selection
Saves risk: Guaranteed to be quarter sawn (straight-grained) in every sheet
Saves mess: No sanding of caulk/rubber
4 x 8's and 4 x 10's in stock.
***New*** Now available in 6mm (1/4") thickness for smaller boat deck or cabin-sole applications
Once the pattern has been made, cut the shape, trowel the epoxy and fit the decking. We also stock solid teak for the margin pieces, caulking and epoxy so you can get just about all of the required materials for your deck from World Panel Products.

Use any extra pieces for ladder, steps, etc

4 widths and a variety of lengths